Empowering a network of women that will Engage and Educate the next level of BOSS Ladies in Human Resources.

The Real Boss Ladies of

Human Resources

A forum for women in Human Resources

 to Collaborate, Create & Celebrate!

Join the Real Boss Ladies of HR for Womens History Month!

Saturday, March 22nd / 10am - 2pm

Ticket Price Includes:

Brunch / Engagement Sessions / Networking / Vendors

Purchase RBLOHR Branded Items!

Click below to purchase your own RBLOHR swag items!

Summits & Workshops

Check Out the upcoming virtual and in-person events!

Join the email list to keep updated on upcoming events!

Empower women in HR to capture their seat in the boardroom

Engage with other women in HR to build a global network

Educate women to be a BOSS in their professional HR journey

For inquiries email hello@bossladiesofhr.com

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