The Real Boss Ladies of Human Resources® is a network for professional women representing all facets of the Human Resources industry.
Our MISSION of being focused on Empowering a network of women that will Engage and Educate the next level of BOSS Ladies in Human Resources is delivered through in-person and virtual education and networking events.
We encourage and invite individuals from all professional industries to connect, create, and collaborate with our Real Boss Ladies of HR events. Each event is intended to be a safe space to acknowledge diverse thoughts and experiences, while creating an inclusive environment to elevate an equitable landscape for women in the corporate workplace.
Career Readiness Workshops are presented both in-person and virtually and provide professionals with education on HR industry trends and workforce readiness softskills to assist with personal and professional development.
Each month we invite an experienced subject matter expert to share their knowledge, experiences, and expertise related to workforce trends and career development best practices for professional advancement.
Career Coaching with RBLOHR is a premium service offered to individuals currently in HR (or transitioning into HR) that includes having an experienced HR professional analyze and provide feedback on interview skills, resumes, and LinkedIn profiles.
*This service is free to experienced Human Resources professionals that have been laid of from a Human Resources position within the last 180 days.
Engagement happens when the networking begins! The RBLOHR Team works diligently to curate in-person networking events that will both Empower & Educate Boss Ladies in ALL industries, while also creating a safe space to engage with other career-driven women looking to connect and advance their professional network.
Click the link to gain access to email updates on upcoming in-person and virtual networking and social events.
Purchase RBLOHR merchandise to represent the Boss Lady that you are. Everything from t-shirts, mugs, and more!
Click the link to gain access to the RBLOHR Online Store!